SEFI 2022


Download pdf Call for Doctoral Symposium Contributions 

Paper template (MS Word)


The 6th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and develop research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a number of well-known senior scholars within the Engineering Education Research (EER) field. During the Doctoral Symposium, the participants will share their current dissertation work with others and exchange feedback.

To this event, we now invite doctoral students in Engineering Education Research. Ideally, the participants have an active PhD research plan, so they can benefit from participating in the workshop.

The aim is to provide an opportunity for doctoral students to:

  1. meet other students and supervisors to extend their network and view of the EER field,
  2. present and discuss their own work and the work of others,
  3. get perspectives from scholars outside their own institution,
  4. contribute to the conference and the SEFI EER community with other participants, and
  5. promote collaborative research and elaborate future research directions.

The Doctoral Symposium takes place on Sunday September 18, as a pre-conference event to the SEFI 2022 Annual Conference organized by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), in Barcelona. All participants to the Doctoral Symposium must also be registered to the main conference. For PhD students accepted to the Doctoral Symposium, the SEFI 2022 conference fee is reduced (please, check the Registration Fees).

To participate, please submit an extended abstract by May 27. See important dates below.

Doctoral Symposium Deadlines
27 May 2022
Submission of extended abstract covering the central aspects of the PhD work according to the template. Send to
24 June 2022
Notification of final acceptance
1 July 2022

Early bird registration for the SEFI conference (please check SEFI2022 website for any update)
18 Sept 2022
Doctoral Symposium at SEFI 2022

The Doctoral Symposium is organised and chaired by

  1. Jonte Bernhard, Professor, Linköping University, Former Chair of the SEFI SIG Engineering Education Research and Deputy Editor of the European Journal for Engineering Education,
  2. Kristina Edström, Associate Professor, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal for Engineering Education,
  3. Tinne De Laet, Associate Professor, KU Leuven, Chair of the SEFI SIG Engineering Education Research
  4. Shannon Chance, Professor, TU Dublin, Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Education, Chair of Research on Engineering Education Network